Fire Perfomance

Combining the art of Burlesque with the influence of the five houses of fire, the planets that were present at her birth, Sass A Frass presents captivating fire performance work. With a deep passion for dancing with fire, she utilizes fire palms, fire fans, and her mesmerizing fire headdress to create a truly unforgettable experience for her audience. Whether it's a performance art piece, an event, or a party, she becomes the fiery showgirl, igniting the stage with her presence. Her performance style seamlessly blends the elegance of burlesque and showgirl dance with the thrilling elements of circus arts. Expect to witness gravity-defying feats as she incorporates acrobatic floor work and showcases fire feet in the air. Constantly pushing boundaries, she experiments with fire designs and is constantly introducing new creations. The stunning fire headdress and fans showcased here are her own unique designs, and she is more than happy to create a couture fire look exclusively for you. Feel free to reach out to her with any inquiries or to discuss a personalized fire ensemble. Collaborate with her and get ready to bring the heat to your next event!

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